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Kate Leavell
5 hours ago2 min read
The future of TEAM CULTURE TRAINING is here! (And it's going to change EVERYTHING.)
The ultimate team study program for high performing teams! Everything you need to elevate deeper connections, engagement and performance!
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Kate Leavell
1 day ago5 min read
What would you do for a Klondike Bar?!?!
My daughter and I after her game today Im showing my age here, but can you hear it? What would you do-ooo-ooo for a Klondike bar?! The...
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Kate Leavell
Dec 30, 20244 min read
Stop For Gas in 2025!
Here are a few ways to refuel and avoid the dreaded game of trying to make it through the last few miles to the end of the year.
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Kate Leavell
Sep 3, 20243 min read
LEADERSHIP GAME CHANGER For Immediate Release 9.4.24 Kate Leavell and Leaders Uplifted Team Up to Bring Game-Based Training to Athletics
For Immediate Release: Kate Leavell and Leaders Uplifted Team Up to Bring Game-Based Training to Athletics
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Kate Leavell
Aug 20, 20242 min read
Your kid is elite? Mine too!!!!!
Oh, your kid is an elite athlete?? Mine tooooooo!!!! Instead of convincing the masses into thinking their kids are elite athletes to feed...
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Kate Leavell
Mar 21, 20242 min read
Why do some teams break when pushed to greatness?
Always re-motivating your team? Dragging them along? Why do some teams break down when pushed to their potential? In sports or in...
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Kate Leavell
Mar 20, 20242 min read
Teams- Stop playing for each other.
Yesterday I told a D1 lacrosse team to stop playing for each other. Imagine the surprise on an athlete’s face to hear advice completely...
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Kate Leavell
Feb 28, 20244 min read
PSA Coaches: Punishment Style Leadership Doesn’t Work. Sorry not Sorry.
Late? Run. Dropped the ball? Push ups. No Effort? Run. Bad Game? Miserable Practice. Try a new approach and get real, measurable, lasting...
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Kate Leavell
Feb 5, 20244 min read
Culture Blind?
That nose blind commercial came to my mind as I moved into a new house and smelled all the smells left behind from whomever lived there...
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Kate Leavell
Jan 11, 20233 min read
How much “fun vs serious training” at practice is best?
I have often been asked, when is enough enough with the fun at practice? When is it time to say, “it’s time to get serious.” That kind of...
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Kate Leavell
Dec 20, 20225 min read
Surviving Holiday Personalities - Part 1 Little Miss Aunt Violet
Holiday Personality #1 LITTLE MISS AUNT VIOLET In the long term, relationships need to be worked on, but sometimes we just need to get...
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Kate Leavell
Jul 18, 20224 min read
Why Don't You just STOP!?!
Why Don’t you Just Stop!?! Someone asked me one day, after a particularly long string of obstacles, “Kate, Why don’t you just Stop? At...
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Kate Leavell
Jun 6, 20223 min read
3 Reasons to Embrace your Authentically Great SUPERPOWER NOW!
3 Reasons to Embrace your Authentically Great SUPERPOWER NOW! ADD VALUE to your LIFE and OTHERS! You are inimitable. That means you are...
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Kate Leavell
Apr 13, 20223 min read
The greatest youth sports story ever.
My grandfather passed away last night. I’m bringing this blog back from 6 years ago in his honor and because it truly is the best youth...
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Kate Leavell
Aug 27, 20212 min read
There are a few people you come across in a lifetime that you know changed you into someone better. The really great ones have this...
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Kate Leavell
Apr 28, 20205 min read
Under the Surface. Teams who get REAL.
It’s easier to take things at face value. OR at least, it’s easier in the moment. Because underneath our niceties and our politeness is a...
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Kate Leavell
Feb 5, 20204 min read
Ask Kate- best training for culture change
This Week’s Question is: I’ve tried teambuilding and speakers, but nothing seems to be making a lasting change or turning around the...
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Kate Leavell
Dec 18, 20194 min read
Stop having meetings! Challenge -> Opportunity
Meetings to discuss future meetings. Meetings to address issues that never get solved. Meetings that you just get through but dread. ...
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Kate Leavell
Nov 4, 20194 min read
Should men’s lacrosse become hockey?
Women’s lacrosse players have been trying to communicate this message since I was a kid, and probably even before then. But the message...
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Kate Leavell
Aug 20, 20192 min read
Yes.. AND! Overcoming obstacles and moving forward.
During a leadership workshop today we talked about perspective and how it can change how we react and move forward from an event. We...
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