10 Reasons why this sporty girl needs her dad
He’s the reason I wanted to be sporty in the first place. His love of being active and competing at just about everything looked pretty cool and definitely got passed down to me.
The hours of helping me learn to catch and throw. The countless times he had to chase after that errant throw that bounced all the way down the street..”it’s ok, I got it…”
He never took it easy on me. Not because he was teaching me a lesson, however. No, it’s because he doesn’t have any other setting. Oh, you’re only 5? Don’t care, he likes to win. I’m ok with that, so do I. That hip check across the front yard during a “friendly” game of catch? Yea, I see you, dad.
When he bragged about the games I did well to his friends and I acted super embarrassed but on the inside was beaming from his praises.
Every time I picked up a stick and he dropped whatever he was doing to pass around.
When he tried to show off whenever we were playing. He’d drop the ball and then look at his stick as though surely it must have a loose shooter or hole or something. I learned that trick too. It didn’t happen very often, he’s got some serious stick skills.
Because I always had someone to watch a game with that got it, that appreciated it as much as I did.
He never looked down on me for playing “girls” lacrosse. He was always in awe of how we handled the different rules, different pockets and admitted he didn’t understand it while still appreciating the beauty of it.
He let me play, love the game, and didn’t try to fix me. I never felt pressured to perform and it allowed me to fall deeply, head over heels, in love with the game. Coaches put so much pressure on us living in a lacrosse hot bed, the competition for spots on the team was intense. It was nice having a dad that just loves to watch me play.
He will still get out his stick and play catch with me like I was a kid. He will still hip check me across the yard, because even at 66, he isn’t going to let me win.
Thanks Dad, for passing down a love of this game that has brought me so much joy and introduced me to so many incredible people around the world.
Cool fact about my dad: First, he’s my dad and he put up with me, so that makes him pretty special. He played lacrosse and football at Annapolis High School (with Bill Belichick!) and then continued lacrosse at Cornell University. Because of his love of the game and my whole lax crazy family, I didn’t realize that other families don’t play giant lacrosse games with all their uncles and cousins at every get together, family vacations, and always had sticks in the trunk “just in case”– because that was totally normal to me. Grateful to grow up with such a cool laxlife 🙂
Love you Dad, Happy Father’s Day! To all the dads out there, thanks for being our lax dads, we couldn’t do it without you!
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