
Kate is an energetic, dynamic speaker who connects high-impact principles to applicable tools and action plans for her audience. Her ability to connect through her broad range of experiences in both business and athletics has led many to describe her as someone who "gets it" and creates excitement and buy-in for building positive, meaningful momentum in groups, teams and organizations. She is high energy, relates with humor and quick wit while engaging her audience and her authentic connection to her own struggles and journeys in life often leave her audience feeling like they have truly met someone who understands.
Kate has spoken for high school and collegiate teams, businesses. school districts, universities, physician and hospital groups, HR development trainings, leagues, real estate organizations, as well as large leadership summits such as The Wounded Warrior Project, Pi Beta Phi Fraternity Leaders, EXP Realty global summit, and the LPGA.


You get inspired by listening, but you LEARN BY DOING! Kate offers Full day training, half day workshops, full day consulting through long term consulting projects to create buy-in, action, real application examples, and meaningful discussions to bring people together.
Since the release of Wall Street Bestseller, Stick Together, coauthored with Jon Gordon, the 7 principles to build stronger teams has been transforming teams all over the globe. Feedback from organizations and teams that have been through the Stick Together workshops has been an overwhelming theme of team buy-in, refueled leadership, recommitment to goals and purpose, and measurable results. The transformation is often visible as perspective and commitment shift even before the training is complete.
After the release of Kate's latest book, Superpower, individuals and teams have been embracing the power in our diversity, in our unique perspectives, traits, experiences, and abilities. Teachers have named this fable as a must read for all pre-teens and teens who struggle with fitting in and self-worth, and CEO's have dubbed it the confidence builder and the advice everyone deserved to have growing up but never got. Superpower workshops are a celebration and exploration of who we are authentically, and how that elevates our mission, purpose, and drive to succeed and build powerful connections. Where we are similar we come together to relate, but where we are UNIQUE and DIFFERENT are where we add value. These differences are not flaws, they are our INIMITABLE superpowers!
These interactive deep dives have been creating powerful results within sports teams of all levels from youth through professional, well as business teams, leadership groups, directors summits, universities, and non-profit organizations.